Wednesday, June 20, 2007


It's time to talk about the latest time sinking thing (besides knitting) which I'm in. It's Ravelry, what else could it be? I had retired from the local gamings so that I can focus all my time in this passion. Ravelry is addictive as more and more people join the community, everyone is busy updating their profiles, stashes, FOs and etc. Its always encouraging to see my FOs "favourited" by others and reading comments left by them.

I am also thrilled to find some of the famous knitters on my friends list and vice versa, particularly Brenda Dayne from Cast On and Olgajazzy. The former being my favourite podcaster and I admire the latter's FOs.

If you are on the big R, look for me HERE.

Have you Ravelry today?

6 Loops:

Christie said...

I had to add you as a friend. :)

lomester said...

Oh i am so addicted to ravelry. i love that you can check your friends blogs from the friends page. That way i dont have to open both ravelry and bloglines!

Iris G said...

Ravelry sounds great--I'll have to work on my profile there when I have time ;-)!

Pr3tty* Knitty~ said...

Oh, envy aggressively here so much! I am still in the long long waiting list! Really can't wait to log in this wonderful site! =)Definitely will add you!

Anonymous said...

OMG. You're engaged? I'm sorry I didn't know till now. What a terrible friend I am. Anyway, congratulations! Can't wait to catch up with you when I get back.

P.S Ravelry sounds like a nice place.. I wish I have the time to so explore there too.

Kimberly said...

Oh you are so lucky! I signed up ages ago and I'm still waiting to be in. Maybe it's for the better. :)

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